The world of marketing has changed more in the last 5 years than in the previous 50.
When I say that, I worry that the full meaning doesn’t come across. This is a statement that should be awe-inspiring. It should blow you away with the incredible breathtaking speed of change. It should terrify everyone.
But it’s hard to convey the full meaning. This is way bigger than most people think.
Let’s just start with some numbers:
At the time of this writing, Google handles at least two trillion search queries a year. Next year it will probably be a lot more.
More of these searches are on mobile than on desktop in the US and several other countries. In 2014 only 29% of searches in the US were mobile-based. This huge change has taken place in about two years. Two years is nothing in the business world.
Online sales are currently growing more than twice as fast as retail sales.
51% of sales are online, compared to 48% in 2015, and 47% in 2014.
70-80% of people will research a company online before making a decision to buy.
Among millennials, the numbers are even more dramatic: The 18-34 group comprises half of all these online purchases. 40% of millennial men, and 33% of millennial women say they would ideally do all of their shopping online. What’s going to happen in a little over 10 years, when millennials make up 75% of the workforce?
But you might say, “There are some things people will always want to see in person before they buy. There are some things people will never buy online.”
Yes, but people are starting to purchase homes online. People will – and are – buying engagement rings online. People already buy groceries online.
Therefore, you need an online presence. No big deal! This is old news. Everyone knows they need a website now. You know a buddy who hired someone and totally optimized their site a few years ago. You’ll just get in on the action.
But unfortunately, the rules are different now than they were even then. Mainly because of mobile – there are entire pieces of the buying process now that didn’t even exist then. You have to appeal to an audience that is entirely new to the world of business.
What does a few decades of business experience mean when this is what you’re facing?
To be frank, for many business owners it means total disaster. This massive change isn’t just statistics, it’s people’s lives and livelihoods. Slipping businesses cause a lot of pain.
We all know that the Internet has disrupted booksellers, newspapers, and cable TV. This isn’t new. But now apps are disrupting web companies! 86% of time on phones is spent on apps , rather than on the web. Mapquest can hardly compete with a program on your smartphone.
Taxis now have to compete with Uber – a situation that could only have arisen because of mobile. Sure enough, taxi companies are in serious trouble.
And in every industry, the disruption has been felt in smaller ways. Half of small businesses don’t have a website at all. Of those who do, 23% do not work on mobile (a death knell, considering mobile’s emerging dominance). These companies that have not embraced technology and learned to understand it are losing a slow war of attrition against those that have.
If I’m being honest, this article really isn’t about what you can do. That could fill a book. Our article about web marketing tips is a good place to start.
The article you’re reading is primarily meant to scare you. Just as with the industrial revolution, there will be winners and losers. So you can’t be laid back about this. You may have read articles on the Internet that are on topics like “3 things you can do to be successful at SEO.” You may have read similar articles on this site. There’s nothing wrong with these articles – they’re full of useful tips.
But a few articles won’t make you an expert, nor will they keep you relevant in the future. That’s the point. If you want to survive, you’re going to have to fight like hell.
So do something! Call us! If you walk into the Shasta Venture Hub and say to anyone that you meet, “I’m worried about what technology is going to mean for my ability to compete,” they’ll help you. For that matter, go to our competitors and talk to them. As long as you do something.
This is your official notice – the Digital Revolution is here, and it’s only speeding up. Complacency is not an option.
(One way to keep up with the Internet revolution is to enlist some help. Web marketing services
can be an online lifeline).